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"People First, Safety Always"

          Community Safety


  • ​Form a Social Media and Threat Monitoring Unit​.


  • Bolster the School Resource Officer Division to provide a Deputy at every school.


  • Develop a database that is accessible to the public that for Deputy accolades and/or misconduct.


  • Pursue National Accreditation, WELL Health-Safety, WELL Equity and WELL Performance Ratings. 


  • ​Enhance verbal  communication training to help mitigate use of force. 




  • Maintain a modest budget to maintain cost-effective operations.


  • Implement an activity-based budgeting process.


  • Advocate to promote an annual amnesty warrant program for certain nonviolent low-level misdemeanors offenses reducing jail costs and court backlog.


  • Host a monthly financial management accountability meeting with command and mid-level staff.



  • Advocate and implement a recruiting and retention bonus program.


  • Advocate for a market adjustment raise for all office civilian employee.


  • Via the PaYS initiative, seek out military veteran candidates. 


  • Advocate for ZERO health insurance premiums for Sheriff's Office retirees' and employees'.


  • Per Sheriff authority would designate and implement a new pay scale for deputies.




  • Deputies and Bobbers program


  • Deploy a H.O.P.E (Homeless Outreach Prevention and Engagement) Team


  • Advocate establishing the stable housing accountability program


  • Partner with elected officials to advocate and implement a H.E.R.O Housing initiative to partner with housing developers to offer rent subsidies for a predetermined amount of units to public safety and medical staff.


  • ​​SRO's will host two (15) day youth summer programs


  • Implement Operation Honor a program to help veterans succeed after they are released from jail.



             Field Operation


  • Reallocate patrol zones to hotspots to manage growth, enhance response times, and reduce deputy burden in densely populated areas.


  • Sustain a culture that recognizes the significance of intervention and support.


  • Increase membership and enhance training for the Sheriff Reserve Posse.


  • ​Form a traffic / medical Accident team.​​


  • ​Enhance intelligence-based predictive policing


  • Enhance Dive Team and Marine Unit


  • Deploy drones during search and rescue operations.


  • Develop a Sheriff inland port strategy to actively participate in securing and monitoring the new inland port.​

     Community Relations  


  • ​​Establish a Citizen Advisory Board.​​


  • Adopt comprehensive anti-bias policies, practices and training.


  • End discriminatory actions and ethnocentrism.


  • ​Implement a Safety and Security Awareness program for businesses, schools and non-profits.​​


  • Implement a localized communication platform and alert system that brings together commercial businesses, public safety organizations, and citizens.


  • Implement a Manage with Care program creating a specialized alert in (RMS). To improve response, interaction, and communication.

   Gun Violence Prevention


  • Will advocate for harsher penalties for weapon related crimes.​


  • Support smart gun and safety technologies.​​


  • Support universal background checks for firearm purchases.​


  • Support extreme risk protection orders​ with proper due process.


  • Will provide public access to the Sheriff's Office Range for practice and education.​


  • Support tax incentives for safe gun storage


  • Participate in the Operation Safe Cities Initiative


  • Establish and deploy a Comprehensive Anti-Gang Strategy to prevent and reduce gang-related crime.


              Jail Operation



  • Eliminate or reduce jail calling fees and â€‹maintain a humane jail environment.


  • Expand Mental Health and addiction treatment services.


  • Improve training to guarantee that all inmates are treated fairly and equally.


  • Protect and preserve the constitution's due process.​


  • Will require federal detainers to be signed by a Judge.


  • Jail Deputies will ensure that any undocumented foreign national that is a threat to our community is removed.


  • Independent oversight and investigations of suspected abuse, inmate deaths, and facility conditions.


  • Establish a local Second Chance Employers Network and host virtual job fairs. 

         Employee Relations


  • I will ensure that our workforce structure reflects our employees' different backgrounds, knowledge, and abilities.​


  • Create a Sheriff Advisory Council made up of personnel from each division of the Sheriff's Office to discuss ideas with command staff and make recommendations to enhance their divisions.


  • Conduct periodic stay interviews


  • Hold annual recognition and rewards gala.


  • Encourage community crusades.


  • ​Maintain an open-door policy for employees to report workplace issues


  • Implement an Employee Relations Advisory and Consultative Groups


About Me






© 2023 by Jerry Ramos-Arce

Disclaimer: The appearance of U.S. military / law enforcement information and visual logos does not imply or constitute U.S. DOD, Military or LE endorsement.

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